
Health Certificate 2000 - professional care

The highest quality and protection for your family


Surgical quality and wearing comfort

At the same time, it protects and whitens


It has antiviral and antibacterial properties

Round, rectangular and super-wide


Used in operating theaters

Health Certificate 2000 -
professional care

Effective & reliable
protection for your family

Health Certificate
2000 - professional care

Just a few seconds to measure your body temperature.
Up to 5 users! The battery lasts up to 2 years.

The possibility of testing when
applied to the forehead. Ready to
work in 30 seconds.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered altevration in some form,

Best quality on the market

Health Certificate 2000 -
professional care

The highest quality and protection for your teeth

Sonic cleaning
and whitening power

At the same time, it protects and whitens

3 types
of cleaning tips

Round, rectangular and super-wide

3 different headband
binding finishes

Choose the one that is most comfortable for you